Aside from playing swings, seesaws and slides when we were kids, a big part of what we believe is true during our innocent and tender years is dependent on the movies that we watched together with our families and friends. More often, we tend to have deep appreciation of the characters especially in a superhero movie and our curiosity will ignite the notion to emulate good deeds portrayed in an emotional scene; thus leading us to desire doing it in real life situations.


Yet, our childhood days are transitory and we cannot live forever as kids; so, our days of innocence will fade away and we start to reminisce about this childhood experience and absorb inspiration working as a movie director, an executive producer or even a celebrity in a blockbuster movie. This is no longer foolishness but a dream inspired by our wild imaginations; yet, the journey will never be that easy because experience may be the best teacher but we learn better in formal school that will provide us the necessary theory and application of what we are about to love doing in the near future.


Going with you in this path are schools in Adelaide offering screen and media courses. Theories and the training they will be teaching and conducting may not necessarily produce award winning movies immediately but you are assured of constant support from the administration and faculty for you to get there. You will  begin with the basics or fundamentals of drama, particularly with different forms of literature that shaped thoughts and emotions of writers in different theater disciplines in depicting love or hate, victory and defeat or even fidelity and deception which are some of the necessary elements of writing a manuscript that leads to overwhelming movie ticket sales.


To help you understand what you are about to do to reach your dreams, here are some of the things you will start performing together with your coeds:


  • Standing , sitting and breathing exercises – You may think these things are easy to perform; yet, you are unaware that they teach you discipline of understanding fundamental body language and the reactions that come with it. Memorizing your lines in a scene does not only require proper recall of words but how you deliver them in a scene where the director instructs you to say it at a fast and angry pace. Without proper training, you will never be understood of what you really mean when you feel like you are chasing your breath and you want to make a significant statement.


  • Diction, enunciation and pronunciation sessions – Have you ever wondered why actors and actresses are challenged to momentarily say lines they are not comfortable with like in German or Spanish maybe? They’re like intermissions in a program or commercial breaks in a TV series you long to watch over and over again. Its purpose is to provide a break or an implicit twist which will either make moviegoers frown or laugh their hearts out. Overall, the objectives are how to say foreign words properly apart from American and British English, intonation exercises which will allow you to say what you mean and that you really mean  it and avoiding eating or mumbling words while doing a critical take.


These two exercises are just introductory lessons you will learn in getting through a film school. Later in the semester, you will have fun painting a picture, tableau and message relays that twist not only your tongue but also your brains. Adelaide have screen and media courses available that you can enroll to if you want to improve your acting skill.